Dark Souls Prepare To Die Edition [PAL][ISO]

Dark Souls
Prepare To Die Edition
August 24, 2012
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A spiritual successor to Demons Souls, the action RPG Dark Souls is set in a rich, dark fantasy universe. Intense action within the dungeons, encounters with terrifying enemies and innovative online features combine for a unique gaming experience. Dark Souls’ world breaks down barriers with a fluid design encourages exploration and promotes an adaptation experience. At a time when the players come face to face with terrifying enemies and find new areas, the infallible system and reward challenge takes possession of everything to offer a sense of achievement without equal.

Enhanced with additional content for its PC debut, the Prepare to Die Edition of Dark Souls includes an enhanced PVP mode allowing players to more closely assemble battles against one another online in an all-out fight to the death that fans have demanded! In addition, the development team at FromSoftware has revealed an untold chapter in the world of Lordran created specifically to help further expand upon the lore of the game. ‘Artorias of the Abyss’ will include all-new areas to explore, enemies to encounter, and bosses to take down one by one as players are treated to an unseen side of Lordan where players must stop the spread of darkness at all costs by facing and defeating the Dark Knight Artorias. Players can also experience an online match-making feature that creates one vs.one, two vs. two and four-player battle royale scenarios, allowing gamers to showcase their skills against other Dark Souls players around the world.

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Velho preciso de sua ajuda, eu já vi um monte de video seu, para poder jogar os jogos no xbox por pendrive. baixei o Dark souls 1 e Midnight club 3 e blz, o jogo abre normal, tudo certo , porém tem grandes quedas de fps, eu já tentei jogar eles pelo disco rigido do xbox porém não adianta o midnight club 3 trava muito.

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